Friday, April 18, 2014

I'm Back!

Hi, friends!

I know I have been absent for quite some time. My life got really out of hand last year. It seemed as if I was disconnecting from life. All that I ever did was work. I found myself falling down the rabbit hole. It took a lot for me to step back and breathe. Although my life is not exactly where I'd like it to be, I'm much happier with who I am and where I am headed. I will be posting again regularly so I would love for y'all to stop by for a visit.



  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Christopher. I'm sure I say more than you could ever want to read, but I appreciate the sentiment. :)

  2. I didn't even realize you had one. I'll be back.

    1. Thanks for visiting. I'd love for you to come back anytime.

  3. Hello friend,…nice to hear you'll be blogging on a regular basis again, my blog goes up and down with the stress of my life…thankfully, I think I'm back to posting a few days a week again…looking forward to following along

    1. So glad you found me. I completely understand the ups and downs of blogging and a crazy life. I always look forward to reading your blogs. Thanks for stopping by and following my journey.
