Monday, January 16, 2012


While Chris was away playing a gig with We Five this weekend, I spent a lot of time with my mom. We talked about so many memories we share and what makes us who we are. I have always been a person who will go to the ends of the earth for someone. If I see a need I try to fill it. Mom reminded me of a time when I forced that upon Chris. It was an icy cold evening and the three of us were out together. We saw this homeless man suffering in the cold. Usually I am quick to give money or food, but this particular night I was overwhelmed by this urge to give him warmth. Chris had his jacket in the car, one that he truly loved, and I told him to pull over and give this man his jacket. He looked at me like I had lost my mind. I began pleading with him and telling him that if he or someone he loved was enduring this cold night with little more than a long sleeve shirt, would he not want someone to help. He reluctantly pulled over, slowly got out of the car, took his jacket over to this man, and wrapped him in it. The gratitude that showed on this man’s face was all the thanks that we needed. Chris may have lost his favorite jacket that night, but the gift he gave was not only to this man, it was to me. He gave me the precious gift of warmth when I felt so strongly about giving away one of his favorite jackets. We gave this homeless man warmth that night, but Chris gave me warmth in my heart for a lifetime.

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