Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Jumping in With Both Feet

It has been awhile since I painted on a canvas. Recently, I decided to test out one of my whimsical girls on a canvas. Sometimes I find that I have to throw caution to the wind and dive in. If I sit and ponder all of the things that could go wrong then I would never start. So this past week, I dove head first into painting on a canvas. It took some getting used to, but I'm loving where it is headed. I look at her sweet face and I think about how she is lost in her thoughts. We are getting a glimpse into her soul when we look at those eyes. She lets the chilly wind blow through her hair while she walks through the enchanted forest. She seems to be inviting us in to hear her tale. That tale will continue as I work through this painting. Watch for updates to see where she leads me.


1 comment:

  1. Love your thoughts on your girls. They feel almost like friends I would like to get to know. This is certainly a lovely beginning. Can't wait to see where she is headed.
