Thursday, March 15, 2012

Looking for Inspiration...

Have you ever had one of those funky weeks where you feel unmotivated and lack the confidence to be creative? I find that when I'm overworked or stressed this can happen to me. I've been experiencing this more frequently since dad passed last July. It can be easy to hide from others, but you know that you just don't feel like yourself. In one of my "funky moments" I decided I needed some inspiration. A trip to my local Barnes and Noble was in order.

I love taking a break from whatever is happening in life to make a trip to the bookstore. It seems to calm me to walk in and be surrounded by inspired words that people pour themselves into. Generally I shop for books on my Nook, but I always enjoy the feel of an actual book in my hands. Yesterday I found myself gravitating to the magazines. I found several magazines to leaf through for inspiration. After spending an afternoon with an icy beverage and these inspiring magazines I feel that I am rejuvenated. There are several art processes that I am now dying to try. Of course I had to ask Christopher if he could show me a few things. I can't wait to work on something and share it with you here soon.


1 comment:

  1. Springtime always energizes me and gives me a creative boost as well! The world is blooming again and so are you. We're just nature's children, after all! (Insert Grateful Dead lyrics here). Hope to see you soon. Jane #699
