Thursday, August 7, 2014

Thrifty Thursday

Welcome to another "Thrifty Thursday." Today I stopped by my local thrift shop and found this incredible deal. Some of you may know that I like to collect pretty Noritake China. It all started when I got married and inherited the China that my daddy purchased for my grandma. He was in the Air Force, and while stationed in Okinawa he bought my grandma a full 12 place setting of China. Since then I keep my eyes open for other patterns that I like and pick up pieces here and there. It was my lucky day today. I found the China you see below for a great deal. I'm thinking of putting some of these pieces in my trailer.

What thrifty finds have you come into lately? I'd love to hear all about them. Sometimes our thrifty shopping is an adventure in itself, so be sure to share your latest story here in the comments.



  1. these will be beautiful in the trailer…I hope we'll share a cup of tea at the next Sister event?

    1. Absolutely. You will be my first guest at our next event.
